Your Path to Benzo Independence
Basics of Tapering
Tapering is guided by the time-honored and scientifically sound approach of the Ashton Manual. Extensive experience with tapering techniques, including dry tapers, liquid tapers, and micro tapers, informs the process. By considering specific medication, dose, duration of use, and individual health factors, the right approach is selected for the taper journey.
Years of experience have led to a deep understanding of the common pitfalls during tapers, such as tapering too quickly, incorrect dosing frequency, or taking unsuitable additional medications (e.g., certain antibiotics) during the taper process. Careful monitoring helps steer patients away from these pitfalls, ensuring a smoother tapering journey.
Withdrawal from benzodiazepines can present a wide range of symptoms that are often misunderstood or misdiagnosed. These symptoms are frequently dismissed or mistreated. Expertise in recognizing and effectively managing these symptoms is crucial.
Additional Expertise
While local pharmacies can be used, specialty pharmacies are often partnered with when tapers require it. Expertise in collaborating with pharmacists to obtain or compound specialty formulations of benzodiazepines as needed is available to support the tapering process.
Questions about medications and supplements, whether currently taken or considered for use, are common during the tapering process. Expertise in advising on the appropriate use of supplements and concurrent medications is provided, including assessing potential benefits, risks, and drug interactions, to ensure the best strategy is in place to support health throughout the journey.
Individualized lifestyle recommendations are offered based on each patient's unique needs and circumstances. These may include nutritional strategies, specific physical activities, and sleep practices. Successful management of benzodiazepine withdrawal involves a holistic approach to caring for the whole person.